
About the Artist

Sweet Petatoes Story

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Gail Green
1For the Love of Dogs

Welcome to Sweet Petatoes by Gail Green

The Sweet PETatoes Story
There is something positively magical in the human-animal bond. Pets enrich our lives in so many ways. Their companionship keeps us from feeling lonely; their unconditional love can heal our pain. Caring for a pet or pets gives us a purpose. Our children learn compassion, kindness and responsibility. gg

And for so many of us, our pets have also become our family members, as well as our friends.

Therefore, when we face difficulty in our lives, we need our pets even more than ever. Positive interaction with companion animals can help restore quality of life to those who have lost loves ones or are battling illnesses or tragedies. My own dogs have helped me through some very difficult times, including my mother’s battle with cancer, her tragic death and then, a year later, with my own unexpected diagnosis, surgeries and treatment for breast cancer. Stroking my dog Shady, who instinctively knew to restrain his movements so he wouldn’t hurt me, gave me not only a sense of peace during the recovery, but also enabled me to feel less pain.

My companion animals will always remain an important presence in my life. When I see the world through their eyes, I see it differently than before. They have taught me to live each day to its fullest, to play for play’s sake and to enjoy the simple pleasures of the moment. Every day they remind me how much better life can be when we can share it with someone!

The Sweet PETatoes® characters were created to celebrate this timeless bond between human and animal. My sincere wish is that they will remind everyone who sees then, how magical that bond can be.




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